Android IEEE Projects

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Android IEEE Projects for Final Year Engineering Students


  1. Reversible illustration Steganography proposal base on a U-Net Structure. (IEEE 2021)


  1. Smart modern Scheduling through edging compute Using Multi-class Deep Q Network. (IEEE 2021)
  2. Two-Channel Critically-Sampled Graph Filter bank with shadowy Domain multiplicity. (IEEE 2021)
  3. Reliable Electronic Voting System Using Encrypted Technology. (IEEE 2021)
  4. PPETD: Privacy-Preserving electrical energy Theft Detection system with Load Monitoring and Billing for AMI network. (IEEE 2021)
  5. Invention and Fabrication inference based compassion Analysis of GaN MOS-HEMT tool for Glucose, MIG, C-erbB-2, KIM-1 and PSA recognition. (IEEE 2021)
  6. Scientific approach to Sign verbal communication Processing: A study. (IEEE 2021)
  7. Experience with and in a well-designed Campus intended for Optimizing Classroom Usage. (IEEE 2021)


  1. How constructive Is Social Media for Business development administration? A methodical Literature Review. (IEEE 2021)
  2. Choice of Application Layer Protocol for Next Generation Video Surveillance using Internet of Video Things. (IEEE 2021)
  3. Synchronized Ambulance Redeployment: A Data-Driven Approach. (IEEE 2021)


  1. Self-Optimizing and Self-Programming Computing Systems: A united Compiler, composite network, and Machine Learning Approach. (IEEE 2021)
  2. A Graph based Clustering Approach for Relation origin from Crime Data. (IEEE 2021)
  3. Efficient Test Case Generation for Thread-Safe Classes. (IEEE 2021)


  1. Perceiving movement from vibrant Memory for Vehicle recognition in Surveillance Videos. (IEEE 2021)
  2. Investigate on License Plate detection Algorithms Based on Deep Learning in composite Environment. (IEEE 2021)
  3. A statistics intensification technique Based on Generative Adversarial Networks for Grape Leaf Infection Recognition. (IEEE 2021)


  1. The Key Factors in Adopting an Electronic Records Managing Scheme (ERMS) in the Educational zone: A UTAUT-Based outline. (IEEE 2021)
  2. Based Numerous Diverse Wearable Sensors : A smart Real-Time HealthMonitoring Structured for Hospital Distributor. (IEEE 2021)
  3. Visualization of Cultural Inheritance Compilation Data: State of the Art and prospect challenge. (IEEE 2021)
  4. An Integrated Event Summarization Approach for Complex System Management. (IEEE 2021)
  5. Tour Sense: A Outline for Visitor Recognition and Analytics Using Transport Data. (IEEE 2021)
  6. New Development of Online Retail in China and the Allied (Accounting) Challenges. (IEEE 2021)
  7. Covert Communication via the QR Code representation by a Data Hiding Technique Based on Module Shape adjustment. (IEEE 2021)
  8. A Novel Approach to Provide Protection for Women by using Smart Security Device. (IEEE 2021)


  1. Augmenting Dialogue Response Invention with Unstructured Textual Knowledge. (IEEE 2021)


  1. Real-Time Ambulance Redeployment: A Data-Driven Approach. (IEEE 2021)
  2. Nan scale Sensor-based Tunneling Carbon Nano tube Transistor for Poisonous Gases recognition: A First-Principle Study. (IEEE 2021)
  3. Short-range Non-bending abundant Dispersed Water/Humidity Sensors. (IEEE 2021)
  4. A Novel Smart Energy Theft System (SETS) for IoT based Smart Home. (IEEE 2021)
  5. Curriculum Knowledge for verbal communication Sensation Recognition from Crowd Sourced Labels. (IEEE 2021)
  6. A Pitaya Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Monitor for Ecological Sunlight Intensity Detection. (IEEE 2021)
  7. Road Boundary Detection in All Weather Conditions and Elucidation via Dynamic Video Mining. (IEEE 2021)
  8. High-Density Parking for Computerized Vehicles: A Whole Valuation of Synchronization mechanism. (IEEE 2021)
  9. IoT-BBMS: Internet of Things-Based Baby Monitoring System for Smart Cradle. (IEEE 2021)
  10. WasNet: A Neural Network-Based Garbage Collection Management System. (IEEE 2021)
  11. Optimized Fuzzy Logic-Based Fire Monitoring in Underground Coal Mines: Binary Particle Swarm Optimization Approach. (IEEE 2021)

    Why Android

    Nowadays, Android is the buzz word everywhere. Techies or not, everyone is seems to be infected with this Android mania. Well, whats so special about it that makes people go crazy. Android is a Linux based operating system for mobile devices. It contains cool features that redefine the mobile usage experience. Eye candy stuffs that challenge the popular iOS. Apps that can even make you breathe. What not! Its raining Android everywhere.

    Why Android at Uniq?

    We, at Uniq, have understood the growing interest of the student community towards Android, so few years back we formed a team of Java developers to train themselves up in developing Apps for Java. Now, there is an experienced team of developers, who know the nitty-gritty of developing Android apps. Feel free to come join us in exploring the Android world and make your projects stun your friends with the spice of Android.

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