Internship for JAVA in Chennai

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Internship for JAVA in Chennai

Internship in Java

How our Intern works throughout their Internship time span?

  • Interns are requested to convey their laptop to our working environment, who is not having laptop will be granted a system, so that interns can gain hands on developed know-how.
  • All the necessary programs will be established in the laptop before preceding the training.

Internship time span will be split into two components:

Part 1: Hands on developed functional training:

On the first part, our employee will train you on sophisticated java technologies such as JSP, Servlets, JDBC and Structs.

Part 2: Real time Project Implementation:

  • On the second part, interns will be assigned to do real time project under the guidance of their supervisors.
  • After completing the task, the project supervisor will reconsider the interns’ technical skills and reconsider the new applied projects.
    Exceptional award will be given to the spectacular performers.

Internship In DotNet

How our Intern works throughout their Internship time span?

  • Interns are requested to convey their laptop to our working environment, who is not having laptop will be granted a system, so that interns can gain hands on developed know-how.
  • All the necessary programs will be established in the laptop before preceding the training.

Internship time span will be split into two components:

Part 1: Hands on developed functional training:

On the first part, our employee will train you on sophisticated DOTNET technologies such as C#.Net, ASP.Net, SQL Server and MVC Architecture.

Part 2: Real time Project Implementation:

  • On the second part, interns will be assigned to do real time project under the guidance of their supervisors.
  • After completing the task, the project supervisor will reconsider the interns’ technical skills and reconsider the new applied projects.
  • Exceptional award will be given to the spectacular performers.

Internship in Android

Android internship
How our Intern works throughout their Internship time span?

  • Interns are requested to convey their laptop to our working environment, who is not having laptop will be granted a system, so that interns can gain hands on developed know-how.
  • All the necessary programs will be established in the laptop before preceding the training.

Internship time span will be split into two components:

Part 1: Hands on developed functional training:

On the first part, our employee will train you on sophisticated android technologies such as Activity life cycle and view Group, SQLite, Location provider and Publishing App.

Part 2: Real time Project Implementation:

  • On the second part, interns will be assigned to do real time project under the guidance of their supervisors.
  • After completing the task, the project supervisor will reconsider the interns’ technical skills and reconsider the new applied projects.
  • Exceptional award will be given to the spectacular performers.

The developed app by our intern will be published in Google PLAY
Click here to view our interns’ apps

Internship in PHP

PHP internship
How our Intern works throughout their Internship time span?

  • Interns are requested to convey their laptop to our working environment, who is not having laptop will be granted a system, so that interns can gain hands on developed know-how.
  • All the necessary programs will be established in the laptop before preceding the training.

Internship time span will be split into two components:

Part 1: Hands on developed functional training:

On the first part, our employee will train you on sophisticated PHP technologies such as XAMPP servers, mailing concepts and MYSQL.

Part 2: Real time Project Implementation:

  • On the second part, interns will be assigned to do real time project under the guidance of their supervisors.
  • After completing the task, the project supervisor will reconsider the interns’ technical skills and reconsider the new applied projects.
  • Exceptional award will be given to the spectacular performers.

Internship in NS2

NS2 Internship
How our Intern works throughout their Internship time span?

  • Interns are requested to convey their laptop to our working environment, who is not having laptop will be granted a system, so that interns can gain hands on developed know-how.
  • All the necessary programs will be established in the laptop before preceding the training.

Internship time span will be split into two components:

Part 1: Hands on developed functional training:

On the first part, our employee will train you on sophisticated NS2 technologies such as routing protocols, wired and wireless networks, mobility models, LEACH protocol and TORA protocol, Multicast.

Part 2: Real time Project Implementation:

  • On the second part, interns will be assigned to do real time project under the guidance of their supervisors.
  • After completing the task, the project supervisor will reconsider the interns’ technical skills and reconsider the new applied projects.
  • Exceptional award will be given to the spectacular performers.

Internship in Matlab

Internship in Matlab

Internship in Embedded System

Internship in Embedded System

How our Intern works throughout their Internship time span?

  • Interns are requested to convey their laptop to our working environment, who is not having laptop will be granted a system, so that interns can gain hands on developed know-how.
  • All the necessary programs will be established in the laptop before preceding the training.

Internship time span will be split into two components:

Part 1: Hands on developed functional training:

On the first part, our employee will train you on sophisticated MatLab technologies such as,

  • Introduction to Embedded C,
  • Interfacing Circuit Description of 16 * 2 LCD,
  • Programming of 16 * 2 LCD,
  • Interfacing 4*4 keyboard matrix

Part 2: Real time Project Implementation:

  • On the second part, interns will be assigned to do real time project under the guidance of their supervisors.
  • After completing the task, the project supervisor will reconsider the interns’ technical skills and reconsider the new applied projects.
  • Exceptional award will be given to the spectacular performers.

Internship in Mechanical

Internship in Mechanical

UNIQ Training Sessions

Civil Internship Training

Civil Internship Training

UNIQ Technologies Offers Internship Training for Civil Students. Students are Guided with Excellent Training in Various Domains. Join Us for Practical Sessions.

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At Uniq, it means achieving real business results that allow you to transform, and not just maintain, your operations. Our IT services, industries solutions, and outsourcing bring you a level of certainty that no other competitor can match.

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