Internship by UNIQ Technologies For BSc Mathematics
Best Training
We provide you excellent training in various domains that allows you to have hands on knowledge to placed in organization
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Day -1
- Software Installation
- About Tools
- M-file
- Windows and Prompt
- Variables and Assignment Statements
- Constants
- MATLAB as Calculator
- Matrix Types
- Addition of Matrix, Matrix Multiplication
- Inverse & Transpose Matrix
- Eigen Values & Eigen Vectors
- Determinants
- Factorial
2. LINEAR EQUATIONS ( Day – 5, 6, 7 & 8)
- Control statements in Matlab
- Gauss -Jorden Elimination Algorithm
- Area , Centroid Calculation
- Square System
- Plotting Function
- Taylor Series
- Logarithms
Think, Inspire & Grow Together! “The Best Way, To Predict the FUTURE” is to
3. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS ( Day – 8,9, 10 &11 )
- Polynomial Equation
- Differential Equation
- Probability Distributions
- Transformations (Fourier, cosine, wavelet)
- Integration
- Random sequence
- Importing and displaying images
- Converting between image types
- Image Arithmetic
- Mathematical calculation using Matlab
5. IMAGE ENHANCEMENT ( Day – 14 &15)
- Contrast Adjustment
- Histogram Equalization
6. IMAGE FILTERING ( Day – 16 )
- Morphological Filtering
- Blurring / Deblurring
- Adding Noise to an Image
7. ANALYZING IMAGE ( Day – 17,18 & 19)
- Edge-Detection Algorithms
- Region and Image Properties
- Segmentation
- Morphological Operators
- Object Counting
8. BUILDING GUI-GUIDE WITH TOOL (Day –20, 21 & 22)
- Push Button
- Axes
- GUI – Plotting
- GUIDE Application
9. PROJECT WORK ( Day – 23 & 24)
UNIQ Training Sessions
Matlab Workshop for ECE Students at Velammal College
UNIQ Technologies Conducted Matlab Workshop For ECE Dept Students at Velammal College. Students are Guided with Advanced Technology. Join Us For Live Sessions.
Image Processing Based Biomedical Workshop
UNIQ Technologies Offers Image Processing Based Workshop Training for Biomedical Students. Students are Guided with Practical Demos. Join Us for Live Sessions.
Civil Internship Training
UNIQ Technologies Offers Internship Training for Civil Students. Students are Guided with Excellent Training in Various Domains. Join Us for Practical Sessions.
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