Inplant Training for Mechanical

Best Training

We provide you excellent training in various domains that allows you to have hands on knowledge to placed in organization

Guaranteed Placements

Our coaching programs will let you bring a great career opportunity in the suitable fields and makes you unique from the external world

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We are open to help you 24/7 on all inquiries, doubts, and support on In-Plant Training, Internship and projects for your comfort

InPlant Training for Mechanical Engineering Students at UNIQ Technologies

Why IPT for Mechanical ?

If there is a field that is not affected by the economic downturn it could only b e mechanical engineering. Mech is field that serves as the nut and bolt of the civilized society world renowned. Car manufacturers are lining up in Chennai, and this is the right moment to get ready for a transformation into industry ready professional.

Why IPT for Mechanical @ UNIQ ?

Uniq, a leading software service solution provider h as now turned its attention towards mechanical engineering. We provide a highly crafted syllabus covering the software element of mechanical Engineering. In depth training in CAD, CAM and other mechanical software tools will serve as a double edged sword by making you aware of latest trends in your core area of expertise and at the same time introducing you to the related software engineering field.

Note : There is no site or manufacturing companies oriented training. Training will be completely done in UNIQ Technologies premises.

IPT for Mechanical Engineering Students

We offer best inplant training for mechanical engineering students in Chennai. The Inplant Training program is absolutely practical. Engineering students can gain hands on experience in structural desingning. Trainers from Multi National Software Companies will share their experience with the students. Make use of this wonderful opportunity by joining our implant training program.

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Civil Internship Training

Civil Internship Training

UNIQ Technologies Offers Internship Training for Civil Students. Students are Guided with Excellent Training in Various Domains. Join Us for Practical Sessions.

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At Uniq, it means achieving real business results that allow you to transform, and not just maintain, your operations. Our IT services, industries solutions, and outsourcing bring you a level of certainty that no other competitor can match.

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