Android App Development Course
APPS- Applications or Apps, as they are more commonly known, pervade a wide range of handheld and mobile devices such as smart phones, tablets and mobile phones. An App is a downloadable software program that addresses varying user needs in the area of content, entertainment, games, productivity, communication, interaction and much more. These apps are downloaded by customers from various mobile software distribution platforms, or delivered as mobile web applications.
ANDROID – Android is a Linux-based operating system designed primarily for touch screen mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers. Android is open source and Google releases the code under the Apache License. The Programme on Mobile Application Development on the Android Platform provides an introduction to object-oriented concepts and its implementation in Java technology programs. In addition, it covers syntax and semantics of Java programming language. Further it covers the implementation of various concepts such as, exception handling, file manipulation, threads, collections, input/output streams, localization, and database connectivity.
Program Contents:
- Introduction
- What is android
- Android in industry
Android Tools
- Android SDK
- Java JDK
- Eclipse IDE
- New project creation and about Files
Android Components
- Activity
- Services
- Broadcast Receiver
- Content Provider
- Option menu
- Context menu
- Popup menu
Input Controls
Input Controls and Input Events(Views)
- Button, Image Button
- Text View
- Edit Text, Auto Complete Text View
- Checkbox, Radio Button ,
- Spinner, Seek bar
- Date Pickers, Time Picker
- Image View
- Radio Group, Toggle Button
Dialogs and Notifications
- Alert Dialog
- Progress Dialog
- Toast notification
- Status notification
View Groups
- Linear Layout
- Absolute Layout
- Table Layout
- Frame Layout
- Relative Layout
- Scroll View
Intent Filters
Intent and Intent Filters
- Intent
- Pending intent
- Intent Filter
Interested In Joining With Us?
Content Provider
Shared Preference
Services and Broadcast Receiver
Broadcast Receiver
SMS Manager
Location based Services
Google Map
Network provider
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Control
Image Capture
Video Capture
Media Player
Real Time Project Work
- IDE -Eclipse & NetBeans
- Tools -XML Spy & PL/SQL Developer
- “Certificate in Dotnet Programming Language”
- “Certificate Program in Advanced Dotnet SE Programming for Web Development”.
- “Certificate for Successful Project Completion”
- Training: 60 hours – 30 Days (2 hours/day).
- Project Work: 20 Hours – 10 Days (2 hours/day)